Hidden Treasures – Music from the past
Monday, 16 December 2024
As the Museum project team are about to head into a well-earned break over summer, we just wanted to share some of the cool discoveries they have made while construction has been taking place this year.
This record, entitled Kia Hiwa Ra!, was recorded live at Tudor Towers and performed by the Top of the Towers Māori Cultural Group.
This old record was found by Jim Bell, a joiner working for Watts & Hughes Construction. It was located behind the skirting along the south side window in the upstairs mezzanine of the Bath House foyer.

First a restaurant, then a cabaret and then a nightclub, it was the centre of Rotorua (and surrounding districts) nightlife for more than 20 years.

Tudor Towers Māori Concert Party, c 1982. Photographer unknown, Rotorua Museum Te Whare Tāonga O Te Arawa (2008.161.2) CLICK TO ENLARGE
There was a residential Māori Cultural Group at the Tudor Towers and hangi and concert was offered there for 6 years (1974 – 1980).

Cultural Performers at Tudor Towers, c 1980. Photograph by Jack Lang (1924-1985), Rotorua Museum Te Whare Tāonga O Te Arawa (2020.23.2) CLICK TO ENLARGE
It is likely that that residential group was known as the Top of the Towers Māori Cultural Group – as noted on the record. Does anyone know?
It’s always interesting to see what secrets a building reveals as heritage material is carefully removed for strengthening and restoration.