
Centennial Trust
In 2006 the Rotorua Museum Centennial Trust was established to drive fundraising efforts for the completion of the Bath House building to its original design. See more about the Centennial Project that was completed in 2011 with the opening of the Don Stafford Wing.
With the closure of the Museum in 2006, the Centennial Trust have played a big role in funding and supporting the project and exhibition development for when the Museum reopens.

Volunteer Guides
Our dedicated volunteer guides make Government Gardens visits interesting and entertaining. They provide scheduled daily tours for visitors from all over the world.
Before graduating as guides, Rotorua Museum volunteers complete a free comprehensive training course to ensure they can knowledgeably share the stories of Rotorua, its people and its treasures.
Becoming a volunteer guide gives you a range of Museum benefits:
- Annual volunteer celebration
- Monthly Museum updates
- Free training programme
- Occasional guide outings and get togethers
Find out more about becoming a volunteer guide:
Online Guide Application Form
Downloadable Guide Application Form
For further information contact:
Julie Parsons
07 351 7823

Friends of Rotorua Museum
The Friends promote awareness and enjoyment of Rotorua Museum with its collections and events as an essential part of our community.
While the museum is closed they continue to encourage the people of Rotorua to appreciate the arts, crafts and history of their district.
Click here for more information being a Friend of Rotorua Museum.